Version 1.4.2

Building Locally

You can build the project locally from the GitHub repository if you want to make a change to the program, build for macOS, or if you just feel safer compiling it yourself.


  1. Clone the respoitory with a git client, or download the source code ZIP from GitHub and extract it.
  2. Make sure you have NodeJS and npm (Node's package manager) installed.
  3. In the project's root folder, run npm install to download the required dependencies.
  4. Run npx electron-builder to compile the program. Any output should go in the dist folder.

The package.json file defines what types of files to output when building the application based on your platform in the "build" section. By default, it will build to: NSIS installer (exe) and portable zip for Windows; Debian installer (deb) and portable tar.xf for Linux; DMG file for macOS. Building on macOS has not been tested yet.

Learn more about the Electron Builder configuration here.

If you build the program locally, it will not show "Joshua Vickery" as the Verified Publisher.

Verifying Downloads

MD5 Sums:

File MD5 Sum
Codex-Setup-1.4.2.exe 71336BF9DE5944B1D4BBA9E3E8681B78 21BAD0F5905D64AA9E9C097E542C2966
Codex-1.4.2.deb 23F5E61F8906DFEDC6EE24B0C07E422D
Codex-1.4.2.tar.xz 37D7DDCC7B27A8580344B9BF8D32B0A0

Linux Distributions

The portable tar.xz file should work on most Linux distributions.

Codex has been tested on the following distros:

Please create an issue on GitHub if Codex does not work on your distribution.